Life in Pre-Prep
Pre-Prep is where your child starts his or her life in ‘big school’. As children grow and mature, learning new skills along the way, they need fresh challenges to stretch and interest them.
In Reception and Years 1 and 2, we provide opportunities for all our pupils to excel, through the curriculum, sports, creative subjects, outdoor learning and through a broad range of extra-curricular activities, and support them to achieve their goals.
Children learn best when they are happy, healthy, safe and secure, when their individual needs are met and they have positive relationships with others around them. Vitally, life in Pre-Prep is fun. We want our children to arrive at school, full of positive energy, expecting to enjoy every minute of the day, and carry that enthusiasm into their work and play.
With the outstanding foundation provided by the Nursery, formal education begins here in Pre-Prep. Starting off on the right foot makes a huge difference to your child’s education, and so we ensure that the experience is positive and productive.
We celebrate all of the children’s success both inside and out of school, encouraging them to be pro-active learners and achieve their personal best. They are encouraged to explore and investigate, to keep asking questions and challenge ideas, and to understand that getting things wrong is all part of getting things right.
Find out how our children continue to develop in Prep.