Nursery Focus: Diwali

This week in the nursery the children are learning about the Hindu festival, Diwali. 

Through engaging children in a range of Diwali activities, including listening to the story of Rama and Sita, making Rangoli patterns and learning about cultures, festivals and celebrations, we can support children’s holistic development. Children also begin to value traditions and the role festivals and celebrations play in connecting us with the local community and provide children with a sense of inclusion. 

Heywood recognises the significance of promoting different cultures for developing children’s understanding, embracing and accepting difference and giving children a sense of belonging. This is done through everyday routines, as well as celebrating religious and cultural events, which encourages new learning opportunities in a fun and engaging way. 

All the activities, including decorating diya lamps, making fruit firework rockets, and using play dough to make Rangoli patterns, are introduced to develop children’s self-confidence, fine motor skills and creativity. Children are introduced to a wide range of vocabulary, which promotes understanding and engagement, encouraging children to ask questions and think critically about the world around them. 

Here at Heywood, we continue to encourage children to embrace diversity, where they can learn about differences and develop awareness and respect for each other in a positive way. 

By Carly Halliwell, Nursery Sapling Class Teacher