How do frogs croak in Latvian?

Bonjour tout le monde! וֹBuenos dίas a todos! Buongiorno a tutti!

Thus began the European Day of Languages at Heywood Prep. Mrs Shoukry explained to the children what the day would involve. Flags made by different classes adorned the walls, and the Modern Foreign Language noticeboard showed some fun facts, such as how frogs croak in Latvian, or what dogs say in French.

Most of the children had no idea that many of their teachers could speak one, two or even three foreign languages. A few brave souls demonstrated their skills in assembly and were warmly applauded. Mrs Shoukry’s Spanish puppet put in an appearance and we learned some amazing facts, such as how there is no word for please in Finnish, or that the word for a shaving brush in French is the same as that for a badger.

The rest of the day sped past in a whirlwind of activities including learning to play pétanque, listening to Myths and Legends, making croissants, quizzes and games about Europe, Christmas in different cultures, drawing traditional costumes, Scandinavia, making pasta necklaces, Italian, singing …. Even our lunches this week have been based on French, Italian, Spanish and German food!

Mrs Shoukry hopes the children have had an enjoyable and interesting day, and would like to thank all her colleagues for the amazing variety of activities they provided for our children. Une journée inoubliable!