Diwali Celebrations in Nursery
Earlier this week, Nursery held their Diwali celebration morning in the hall. All the children and staff wore bright colours and some traditional costume. The morning was lead by Mrs Agrawal who talked to the children about this important Hindu celebration. She used a PowerPoint presentation to help the children understand how this festival is celebrated and to explain the history of its origins. The children enjoyed a variety of activities including decorating clay diya lamps, making rangoli patterns in playdough using a variety of lentils and beans and dancing to traditional music with ribbon sticks and scarves.

The children all had a very enjoyable morning as well as enhancing their learning and awareness of other cultures and religions, something which is such an important part of the EYFS curriculum. As a Nursery we are always eager to promote the children’s knowledge and understanding of the world. Diwali is one of these opportunities and we are fortunate to have a parent with first-hand knowledge of this special Hindu festival, with the added advantage of this also being a wonderful opportunity to reinforce the home/ Nursery partnership which is such an important part of an Early Years setting.

Mrs Mitchell rounded up the day’s celebrations by coming to read the children a story about Peppa Pig’s Diwali. The children were all very eager to share with her all the special activities that had taken during the day.

Mrs Jones