A safer internet starts with us

February 5th not only marked the first day of the Chinese New Year but also this year’s Safer Internet Day.

Safer Internet Day is an annual event organised by the UK Safer Internet Centre and focuses on the opportunities technology and connectivity can provide us as well as aiming to empower children and young people to make positive choices about internet use and media choices. This year’s theme was ‘Our Internet, Our choice – understanding consent in a digital world.’ Each form has spent time discussing this topic this week, and this theme is underpinned by the digital citizenship curriculum embedded within our Computer Science lessons. Online safety is an area of such critical importance, we aim to ensure that children at Heywood become effective and mindful technology users and creators.

This year’s event coincided with the Corsham Institute’s Safer Internet Festival, which involves a series of community events celebrating technology as well as offering providing opportunities for families and individuals to take part in wonderful workshops. Click here to see the fabulous programme of events.

Heywood’s Digital Leaders Individualised Learning group had a wonderful afternoon on Thurdsay attending the technology showcase speaking to industry experts in drone piloting, 3D design and engineering as well as an interactive experience with the ‘Virtual Reality Cave’ and other activities.

“Guessing which part of the computer did which job was the best bit!” said Thomas B in Year 5. For many, exploring the immersive paint program in the VR cave was worth queueing up for! It was a fantastic event showcasing how skills from the STEAM and Computer Science classroom can be directly linked to career opportunities in a variety of industries in the future.