Uniform list
The Heywood Prep school uniform is smart and practical.
To view the full uniform brochure please click here.
The school’s official outfitter is John Moore Sports, 2 Argyle Street, Bath. Please click here to view our current school uniform on the John Moore Sports website. Uniform can be purchased online and delivered.
Second-hand uniform sales are organised by our parents association, Friends of Heywood, to find out more please email uniformfoh@gmail.com.
Winter Uniform
Winter uniform is worn from the first day of the Autumn Term until the last day of the Spring Term. However, children may opt to wear summer uniform until October half-term if they wish. Navy coats should be worn when travelling to/from school.
Summer Uniform
Summer uniform is worn from the first day of the Summer Term until the last day of the Summer Term. However, children may opt to wear summer uniform until October half-term if they wish. Blazers should be worn for travelling to and from school; navy coats will be kept in school.
Hair and jewellery
Hair that touches a child’s collar should be tied back with a hairband. One pair of plain gold or silver stud earrings may be worn, which must be removed for Games and PE. No other jewellery is permitted at school for health and safety reasons. Hair ribbons and bands should be navy or school uniform colours.
Nametapes may be ordered through the uniform supplier.
Please label all tops at the back of the neck and all bottoms in the waistband. Please label the navy school coat and school blazer at the back of the neck, not in the pocket.
Please ensure that all uniform is labelled as unnamed items will be passed to the second-hand shop.