Coronavirus Policy
Heywood Prep considers the welfare and safety of its pupils and staff to be of the utmost importance. We have introduced comprehensive procedures to minimise the risk of Coronavirus infection within the school.
Heywood Prep rigorously follows all Government guidance on Coronavirus and has a number of safety measures in place, including:
- class bubbles
- stringent cleaning procedures
- social distancing where possible
- visitors required to wear face coverings when inside
During this unique time, our number one priority is to ensure all our children receive the very best education possible, and we are proud that Heywood Prep remains a happy and exciting school with a supportive atmosphere.
As always, we are offering the full curriculum across all year groups and our individualised learning sessions remain in place. In addition to this we are able to offer wrap-around care to support working parents, and a full timetable of extra-curricular clubs and holiday club.
We are enormously proud that our ‘Heywood at Home’ remote learning programme enabled Heywood children to make good academic progress and supported our children socially and emotionally during the spring lockdown. The programme is ready to resume should it be needed, and we will enable children to move as seamlessly as possible between in-school and home learning, should the need arise.
The ‘Heywood at Home’ programme includes:
- Two live form tutor meetings per day to enable engagement with friends and teachers
- Daily English and Maths lessons and teachers live online to assist children with their work
- Live teaching of two lessons each afternoon, in subjects across the curriculum
- Children submit their work online via Seesaw and teachers give written or verbal feedback to keep the children motivated
- Suggested daily timetables, that can be easily adjusted to individual family needs
- Strong pastoral care, even when children are learning from home
A detailed booklet and accompanying letter is published to all current Heywood parents, which covers remote education provision for each year group including timings, platforms used for teaching, arrangements for engagement monitoring and feedback, assessment of work and marking, safeguarding, SEN arrangements, monitoring of pupil wellbeing and pastoral care. Copies of these documents can be requested from the school office.
If you would like to hear more about the Coronavirus safety measures we have in place, please get in touch for more detail.